What Makes an Acne System the ‘Best’ Acne Treatment?

A good acne treatment system comes down to the formulation, ingredients, and quality.

Treating acne at any age can be tricky.  It is important to take a thoughtful approach and understand how the products you choose work.

Acne poses many challenges for our skin: excess oil, clogged pores, redness and of course white heads and pimples.

Here’s what you should consider when looking for the best acne treatment:

Multi-product Systems:

To clear acne effectively, you should be thoughtful in your approach to avoid mistakes in selecting the right acne treatment. A complete system must address the essentials: it should exfoliate, clear the skin’s pores, & remove the buildup of acne bacteria. This is why the best acne treatments use a multistep regimen.


This is the most important factor – both the active ingredients (there are only a handful of effective OTC active ingredients to consider) but also the secondary ingredients. These will make the solution more effective and often impact how it affects your skin – for better or worse.

Surprisingly, no drugstore brand made our list but we took a deep dive into many of the better quality lines including the big TV brand, Proactiv…

Here are the acne systems we think are worth considering:

comparison arrow
active ingredients icon
Scientific Actives
& Skin Repairing
Murad Clear Control

Clear Control

Exposed Basic Kit

Basic Kit

Proactive Original 3-Step Acne Treatment System

Original 3-Step Acne Treatment System

Rodan & Fields Unblemished
Rodan & Fields®


Rodan & Fields
benzoyl peroxide icon
Benzoyl PeroxideKills Acne Bacteria
salicylic acid icon
Salicylic AcidUnclogs Pores
glycolic acid icon
Glycolic AcidRenews Skin
sulfur icon
SulfurDries Sebum
azelaic acid icon
Natural Dicarboxylic AcidNormalizes Skin
natural extracts icon
Natural Extracts
Proven to Heal

Clear Control


Basic Kit


Original 3-Step Acne Treatment System

Rodan & Fields®


Rodan & Fields
green tea icon
Green TeaKills Acne Bacteria
passion flower icon
Passion FlowerReduces Inflammation
aloe vera icon
Aloe VeraSoothes Irritated Skin
sage extract icon
Sage ExtractFights Free Radicals
goru kola icon
Gotu KolaImproves Skin Healing
value icon
Guarantee and Price(60-day supply)
60 days$79.94
365 days$59.95
60 days$56.00
30 days$193.99
3.683 reviews
3.7611 reviews
3.650 reviews
google icon
Google Shopping Rating(Updated 1/5/2025)
4.0529 reviews
4.5929 reviews
3.511,103 reviews
4.02,756 reviews
Exposed Basic Kit

Basic Kit

active ingredients icon
Scientific Actives & Skin Repairing Ingredients
benzoyl peroxide icon
Benzoyl PeroxideKills Acne Bacteria
salicylic acid icon
Salicylic AcidUnclogs Pores
glycolic acid icon
Glycolic AcidRenews Skin
sulfur icon
SulfurDries Sebum
azelaic acid icon
Natural Dicarboxylic AcidNormalizes Skin
natural extracts icon
Natural Extracts Proven to Heal Skin
green tea icon
Green TeaKills Acne Bacteria
passion flower icon
Passion FlowerReduces Inflammation
aloe vera icon
Aloe VeraSoothes Irritated Skin
sage extract icon
Sage ExtractFights Free Radicals
goru kola icon
Gotu KolaImproves Skin Healing
value icon
Guarantee and Price(60-day supply)
365 days$59.95
google icon
Google Shopping Rating(Updated 1/5/2025)
Murad Clear Control

Clear Control

active ingredients icon
Scientific Actives & Skin Repairing Ingredients
benzoyl peroxide icon
Benzoyl PeroxideKills Acne Bacteria
salicylic acid icon
Salicylic AcidUnclogs Pores
glycolic acid icon
Glycolic AcidRenews Skin
sulfur icon
SulfurDries Sebum
azelaic acid icon
Natural Dicarboxylic AcidNormalizes Skin
natural extracts icon
Natural Extracts Proven to Heal Skin
green tea icon
Green TeaKills Acne Bacteria
passion flower icon
Passion FlowerReduces Inflammation
aloe vera icon
Aloe VeraSoothes Irritated Skin
sage extract icon
Sage ExtractFights Free Radicals
goru kola icon
Gotu KolaImproves Skin Healing
value icon
Guarantee and Price(60-day supply)
60 days$79.94
amazon icon
Amazon Rating(Updated 1/5/2025)
google icon
Google Shopping Rating(Updated 1/5/2025)
Proactive Original 3-Step Acne Treatment System

Original 3-Step Acne Treatment System

active ingredients icon
Scientific Actives & Skin Repairing Ingredients
benzoyl peroxide icon
Benzoyl PeroxideKills Acne Bacteria
salicylic acid icon
Salicylic AcidUnclogs Pores
glycolic acid icon
Glycolic AcidRenews Skin
sulfur icon
SulfurDries Sebum
azelaic acid icon
Natural Dicarboxylic AcidNormalizes Skin
natural extracts icon
Natural Extracts Proven to Heal Skin
green tea icon
Green TeaKills Acne Bacteria
passion flower icon
Passion FlowerReduces Inflammation
aloe vera icon
Aloe VeraSoothes Irritated Skin
sage extract icon
Sage ExtractFights Free Radicals
goru kola icon
Gotu KolaImproves Skin Healing
value icon
Guarantee and Price(60-day supply)
60 days$56.00
amazon icon
Amazon Rating(Updated 1/5/2025)
google icon
Google Shopping Rating(Updated 1/5/2025)
Rodan & Fields Unblemished
Rodan & Fields®


active ingredients icon
Scientific Actives & Skin Repairing Ingredients
benzoyl peroxide icon
Benzoyl PeroxideKills Acne Bacteria
salicylic acid icon
Salicylic AcidUnclogs Pores
glycolic acid icon
Glycolic AcidRenews Skin
sulfur icon
SulfurDries Sebum
azelaic acid icon
Natural Dicarboxylic AcidNormalizes Skin
natural extracts icon
Natural Extracts Proven to Heal Skin
green tea icon
Green TeaKills Acne Bacteria
passion flower icon
Passion FlowerReduces Inflammation
aloe vera icon
Aloe VeraSoothes Irritated Skin
sage extract icon
Sage ExtractFights Free Radicals
goru kola icon
Gotu KolaImproves Skin Healing
value icon
Guarantee and Price(60-day supply)
30 days$193.99
amazon icon
Amazon Rating(Updated 1/5/2025)
google icon
Google Shopping Rating(Updated 1/5/2025)

Acne Kit Descriptions with Plus and Minus

BEST Overall Acne Treatment

Our Top Recommendation – If you have sensitive skin, this kit is definitely a good option for you. This product has all the key ingredients and more, utilizing both scientific and natural actives to effectively treat and prevent all kinds of acne, from blackheads to pimples. It contains benzoyl peroxide to help treat pimples, salicylic acid, and glycolic acid to treat blackheads and whiteheads, and it contains green tea, aloe vera, and passionflower extract to reduce inflammation and redness.

High-quality ingredients with an ideal combination of active ingredients, this kit has the highest customer ratings on both Amazon and Google Shopping, & comes with a full one-year money-back guarantee.

Although it is still generally very affordable, this kit is slightly more expensive than some of the other kits in this list.

Mild Acne Treatment – (Runner Up)

This kit is designed to treat and prevent very mild acne and works best with normal to oily skin. It contains salicylic acid, which helps open pores and fights blackheads and whiteheads, and sulfur, which helps dry out excess oil. It also contains a few natural ingredients, like passionflower and sage extract, which can both help reduce inflammation.

This acne treatment kit is the most affordable option in this list, making it a great place to start if you are hesitant to invest too much money into your skincare right away.

The products in the Murad kit do not contain ingredients that effectively prevent or treat pimples (pustule or papules), though it is a good solution for treating white/blackheads.

3-Step System

Proactiv is probably the most popular acne treatment kit on the market, but does it work and is it the best? If you have very oily skin that is non-sensitive, then it could be. It contains benzoyl peroxide to help reduce pimples and some natural actives, like aloe vera extract to reduce inflammation. Together, these ingredients can potentially improve your acne.

With benzoyl peroxide in two of its three products, this kit could be a good choice for people with resistant,
non-sensitive skin who have an especially hard time with pimples, however, it lacks Salicylic Acid.

The Proactiv kit contains fragrances and dyes that can easily irritate sensitive skin and cause increased inflammation, and as a result, increased acne. Many complaints about Proactiv can be found online.

Overall Acne Treatment (Runner Up)

This kit is a good option for those who have both oily and sensitive skin. The benzoyl peroxide effectively treats pimples, while the sulfur helps dry out excess oil that can contribute to blackheads and whiteheads. It also includes sage and green tea extract, to help prevent sensitive skin from having an inflammatory reaction to the benzoyl peroxide or sulfur.

This kit is the best one in this list for skin that is both oily and sensitive.

Unfortunately, this particular kit is far more expensive than the other options by nearly $150.

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